We now have early morning appointments available

Call: 01323 487437 or 07590409560

We are located in The Foot and Health Clinic, opposite Lidl’s Polegate.

Areas covered: Alfriston, Polegate, Langley, Stone Cross, Hailsham, Cooden Beach, Bexhill, Eastbourne, West Ham and surrounding areas.

Home visit appointments available.

Losing your hearing either temporarily or permanently can be very distressing and where to go to for help can be confusing.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure that you do something and not put it off as an acceptable part of getting older. Recent studies show people wait between 5 – 7 years before they take action resulting in serious issues when trying hearing aids for the first time.

If your hearing is decreased because of a build up of wax, you would be asked to put oil in your ears for two weeks before making an appointment at your G.Ps unfortunately many surgeries have stopped providing this service leaving people unsure what to do next. At Polegate Hearing Care, we provide a specialist wax removal service which includes micro-suction and irrigation for one fixed fee. Unlike large company chains who charge for the appointment, whether they clear it or not, with us you only pay if we remove the wax and that you are completely happy.

Your Hearing Care in Sussex

We offer an extensive audiological assessment and will always explain the results thoroughly, so you understand why you may be having difficulties. Once we have found out the problem we can decide the best course of action which could be wait and watch because your hearing is at near normal levels. It could be a medical condition which could be treated by either your doctor or an ENT specialist or a hearing aid would be the answer. 

“People will see the dentist and optician regularly but often neglect their hearing.”

If you do not want private hearing aids and you wish to try NHS aids, then you may want to get your ears checked before you attend the appointment. If you have wax, you will be turned away until it is cleared. Unfortunately due to Covid 19  NHS waiting lists are becoming  extremely long.   We offer a pre appointment check where we will take a picture of your Ear drums and send them to you to confirm that your ears are clear for the appointment.